Thursday, 4 December 2014

Can it really be 20 days till Christmas?!

Hello strangers! Yes it's been a long time in between posts and I'm sorry, time just gets away from you and before you know it we are putting the Chrissy tree up again.  I'm not sure about you but for me this year has flown by in the blink of an eye.  I have some theories why and my first one is because I have a new hobby which has completely consumed me this year. Any spare time has been taken up with photography, taking photos, learning about it and meeting new photography people.

My second theory is that as you get older the years go faster so considering I turned 45 this year my years are bloody flying by now! My last theory is that as our kids get older and do more stuff they basically suck the life out of you and this also makes the time go faster as you are constantly trying to catch up!

So all in all 2014 has had some major highs and major lows, the high's being my trip to Hawaii which you can read all about here and the lows being about my Father in laws cancer scare which you can read about here.  (We are still waiting to get some results back from this so I will update when I know more.)   The strange thing is for me that I'm usually so excited to start Christmas early as seen here but this year I just can't get my head around it and I think it's because my kids don't believe in Santa anymore.  Yes, that's right, the old Santa story got told this year due to some little kid at school telling my daughter he wasn't real and then because she also found an old present list in my notebook with all the presents I had bought them the year before.  (we all do that don't we? Write everything down so we have an even number of presents?)  So a little bit of magic has disappeared from our Christmas day and I'm super sad about it.  I really wish that I had of tried to keep the story going one more year for my 9 year old sons sake but too many kids know the truth in the school yard by grade 5 and it is kind of impossible.  In one way it is good as now the kids realise we buy the presents so their requests for the most expensive presents are laughed at and we can be a bit more realistic about what to expect.  No you wont be getting that Apple Macbook pro you would love!  I will still give them presents from Santa on Christmas morning as I believe it is fun to keep the dream alive and I hope my kids don't be that kid in the school yard that tells other people Santa isn't real.

So as we come to the end of another crazy busy year I hope that everyone gets some time to relax and recharge over the Christmas break, maybe go on a holiday, spend some time with friends and family and indulge in some cocktails and yummy food.  It will be lovely to have a break from the school routine and get a few sleep ins but I'm sure after a week I will be counting down the days until school goes back on the 27th of January!

Have a great weekend
Katie xx