Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I'm a crazy person who likes moving! SAY WHAT?

So we have our house on the market.  Yep after 2 years of living in a new house which we built ourselves (well a builder built it, we designed it) we have decided to move, again.  There are a few reasons we want to sell, these include, less travelling for my hubby who drives a lot during the week, closer to my parents, getting into a high school catchment and closer to the beach but the main reason we are moving is that I have a problem, a 'getting bored with where I live' problem.  In my 40 odd years I have moved 25 times and this does not include my 2 years of backpacking throughout Europe where I moved around a lot!

I'm blaming my mum for this problem.  She also the same problem and loves moving.  My childhood was spent moving with my family because my mum got bored and needed a new project. My dad would just go along with the flow and when mum had found our new house he would protest for all of about 1 day and then start packing.  This crazy moving problem has been passed onto me without me even realising.

Selling a house, buying a new place and then packing and moving is probably one of the most stressful exercises you can imagine so why would you want to do it 25 times and then more? Because change is exciting, change is fun and change, as we all know can be as good as a holiday.  Well I very much doubt this part but its still exciting and fun.  From the moment we made the decision we would sell I have had an excited feeling in my stomach, I have also had a sick feeling, an exhausted feeling from all the cleaning, and a scared feeling.  Scared because what if we can't sell this place for what we need? What if we do sell then we can't find something else that meets our requirements?  But then there are the exciting parts, like looking at other peoples houses, finding something perfect that ticks all your boxes, imagining all the changes you can do to make it what you want it to be and then being happy because you have managed to successfully  maneuver the family to a new home that you imagine staying in for the next 10 years.  Of course we wont stay there for 10 years because I will get that stupid itchy feet problem and want to move in about 3 years!

My poor husband had only moved twice when he met me at 25.  Grew up in the same house then moved out at 20 and that was it.  He met me and has now moved 8 times in 11 years.  He knows I have a problem and is actually getting used to it but he keeps saying our next house we will stay in for 10 years.  I just nod and agree but we both know this is not going to happen.

So for now I'm a cleaning freak, yelling at the kids to clean their rooms, pick up their shit and HELP MUMMY cos I can't do this by myself.  My moving addiction needs to be fed so we have to sell this buggar first.

Fingers crossed people! xxx

Love ya guts


  1. Geebers Katie! Think of all the stamp duty and fees you've paid! Patient man you've got there... Good luck honey. xx

  2. I know but luckily half was my parents! Lol
