Sunday, 8 May 2016

The single mums Mother's Day failure

Ok so today was my first Mother's Day as a single mum and to say it sucked pretty badly is an understatement.  I guess I could say it was mostly my fault that it sucked but there are so many little things to consider when you are starting life as single mum that it seems like a political minefield to organise a peaceful and happy day to celebrate yourself.

Firstly my ex's family are all here in the same state for a holiday and it had been suggested we would all go for a big Mother's Day lunch with my family and his just like old times but due to a few things that have happened over the past few months I didn't really want to spend the day with my ex-inlaws and my ex-husband as I felt it might ruin my mood and there could be underlying tensions that I didn't really feel like dealing with on Mother's day. After all, it was my decision to end the marriage so I wasn't sure how our first meeting would go being in the same room together. (luckily my fears were not necessary and everything was completely normal when we did eventually see each other).

The second reason it sucked was because my kids weren't with me when I woke up and again this was kind of my fault as I had been out on a girls night the night before for a close friend who had arrived from overseas and this night was the only time we could all go out so my kids were on a sleepover at the in-laws and therefore not with me to make me a well deserved (terrible) breakfast in bed when I woke up. #fail

Thirdly, what are the rules for Ex's assisting with children to help them buy Mother's day or even Father's Day presents these days?  I would imagine in an amicable break up, that the ex is still required to take the kids shopping and sling them maybe $10 bucks each to buy the ex-partner a nice coffee mug or unwanted body lotion. Does this seem unreasonable?  I think not.  Of course I understand if the ex partners hate each others guts then that would be unreasonable but in this case I'm thinking I got ripped off....

And lastly the final reason why my Mother's day sucked is because I have a 12 year old, moody, hormonal and lazy daughter who thinks that every day is about her and who cannot be bothered to stop watching her stupid Youtube channels to take 5 minutes to make me a home made card, or help me make dinner, or put her folding away or clean her room or put her 10 glasses away from her room....the list goes on people!!!!

Anyway, I will remember this day for the shitteous day that it was and make sure I organise something much more fabulous myself next year!

I hope you all out there had a better day than me


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